Bespoke workshops – delivering change, cohesion in global organisation
A context of growth, huge change and pressure due to systems issues led to poor morale and feedback. A bespoke approach combining virtual workshops; self directed learning sets and a global workshop leading to a 25 point increase in Employee survey results.
The Challenge: We were recommended based 2 previous pieces of work in this organisation. A global multicultural, multilingual team supporting the sales teams was struggling – a new system implementation faced challenges; the team had grown significantly in response to a change in role and demand and some team members were struggling to adjust and with relentless workloads. Success meant collaborating and finding new ways of working across teams. Team members also craved involvement in decision making and support for career development.
What we did:
The brief was to create a programme which enabled growth and change; both for the management team and the wider team. A limited budget and a team spread over the globe meant working creatively. A series of discovery calls with a selection of the team and a video conference with the management team gave us alignment and a clear agenda for key themes and priorities. We designed series of 4 workouts for the management team and supported them to self-facilitate action learning sets leading to shared actions plans for their teams. Topics included creating psychological safety, empowerment, how to ensure people feel valued and recognition. Together we reviewed the actions, impact and next steps. A 3 day face to face experiential event with 1 day for the managers and 2 days with the wider team – specifically designed to address the key themes highlighted by the employee survey and discovery process.
The result:
Participants were impressed and surprised by the level of, and impact of dialogue, interaction and experiential learning as well as the chance to build connection and deeper relationships which enabled effective working in a global virtual team. They identified key change programmes and took the lead in continuing momentum sponsored by a manager. The leader of the team closed the workshop saying “I’ve been on many workshops and I’ve never experienced anything like this – it’s been amazing” and afterwards “all the feedback was beyond expectations”. At the end of the year, the leader was delighted to report a 25 point jump in the Business Effectiveness Survey – 8 points ahead of the wider functional team.